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2020 Global Korea Scholarship (Undergraduate) Embassy Track Application - Personal Experience (Malaysian) * GKS, formerly KGSP (Korean Government Scholarship Program)

disclaimer: this entry may not appear as serious as you are expecting.
🔇 academic sternness muted on purpose. (+ personal thoughts included)

First of all, Happy New Year! 🎉

Considering the amount of time I put into working on GKS Undergraduate Application on top of my 9 to 5 job, 2019 had been an incredibly busy year for me.

Though I did not succeed my hugest escape plan, and I was devastated, for my dream shattered so badly, that doesn’t mean all the effort should go to waste, right? (ง •̀_•́)ง In honor of all the ‘investment’ I made throughout the year, I decided to record this painful story of mine (plus a little advice), in hope that my failure can turn into someone else’s guidance. (。・ω・。)ノ♡

(i'm just gonna randomly insert photos to lessen the boredom of reading 🙈 bear with me okay 🙈)

PART 1: the failure


I probably should start off with how I figured out I failed the application.

On October 16th, 2019 (Wednesday) while at my work desk, I received a phone call from Korean Embassy - I was entitled for an opportunity to attend the GKS scholarship interview session that Friday morning.

I was so indescribably happy to finally receive a call after long weeks of waiting…! BUT...! I also lost the chance on the same day itself… and I’ll now tell you why:-

Through the phone call I was informed that documents I submitted were not complete. In spite of that I was shortlisted - mainly because I hold a TOPIK certificate. I was given a second chance - to prepare the remaining documents, get them notarized and bring them on the day of interview.

So what documents did I actually miss out? - Secondary school transcripts.

I was 24 and had been working for a few years at time of application, and my highest education level was college diploma. So I assumed the recent ones were more significant, and only submitted SPM & Diploma results. However, they made sure I understand that Diploma level isn’t highly regarded in Korea, and my diploma certificate can only serve as supporting document. (I kind of sense failure here already.)

In fact, another reason I only submitted the latest certificates was because... I did not score really well back in Form 4 & 5, was thinking more recent results would make it up… but well

In conclusion, I will still need to submit my ancient Form 3, 4 and 5 results.

⚠️ In normal situation, applicants who do not submit complete documents shall be eliminated right away. So take note, don’t take risk!


You see, I received the call Wednesday morning (I was working that day), and interview would take place Friday morning. Basically I only had ONE day to get things done.

It was still a difficult situation for me because first, apparently I would have to take leave the next day (with such short notice); second, I was away from home and obviously did not have my secondary school transcripts with me and third, I had no idea where to find notary public in such short time.

Anyway, I did whatever I could. That lunch break, I managed to find my Form 4 & 5 transcripts here 👉 https://sapsnkra.moe.gov.my/ibubapa2/index.php.


As I mentioned earlier my results were not that good, so I carefully called the Embassy to let them know my situation, and ask if they would still allow me to proceed with the rest of the procedure. (because if there was no chance for me winning the scholarship, there was also no need for me to rush places within such short time…)

*average percentage of my secondary school results was below minimum requirement

After checking my transcripts I sent through e-mail, they gave me feedback within an hour - I could not make it to the interview stage, reason being: They have to make sure the selection criteria was fulfilled in order to be fair for every applicant, without exception. Even if they allowed me to the interview stage, NIIED would question their choice - why would they select someone who is not academically qualified?

Kind of expected that, but still… it was disappointing and… depressing.


For weeks, I was very depressed. I had to try so hard to get over this failure and get myself together… I coped with it by actively involving myself in concerts of my favourite singers (thank God they happened when I needed them the most!), and fortunately, I have got much better now! To know that I was once among the best, shortlisted candidates, it was still an achievement right? (•̀ᴗ•́)و ̑̑

Alright, alright! Now that you know how I experienced such emotional roller coaster in one day... Through my failure you should be able to understand:

When they say TOPIK certificate is important, that is how important it is!

PART 2: preparation

Moving backward, how did I find out about GKS?

* I sometimes flip through my memos and the diary-like captions in my SNS to review my thoughts of the day, and that's what I did today, too. I found out I actually felt the strong urge of resuming tertiary education and studying abroad starting in January last year. 🙂

Anyways! It was in mid February when I saw a post from Korean Embassy on GKS Graduate Program Application Notice while browsing Facebook. After conducting some research I found out there is actually one for Undergraduate program as well.

I thought it could be my last chance, so I decided to give it a try.

I started preparing in February and expected notice to be out in August, but the announcement was made quite late this time. Application deadline was also brought forward to an earlier time (compared to 2018). (https://www.facebook.com/koremy.eng/photos/a.321924737852813/2601225566589374/?type=3&theater)


You might wonder, what exactly did I do when I said I put a lot of effort into preparing for application?

Well, I understood I could be incompetent due to my age and weak academic performance. So in order to improve my competence, here's a list of things I did:-

1. Taking TOPIK exam
- Even if it wasn't for this application, I would still take TOPIK as a Korean language self-learner. (This certainly gives applicant an advantage.)

2. Taking IELTS
- IELTS is expensive to take and not mandatory, but having a band 6 or above can increase your chance of passing the documents review stage.

3. Spending months on Personal Statement and Study Plan
- As you should. It took me months from drafting to finalizing my essays.
- Before getting your hand on study plan, you may need to spend time doing research on each eligible university (achievement, city where university is located, facilities, reputable major, percentage of foreign students, your preferred department, club/socities, international students support, etc)
* I referred to past year's list of available institutions to write my study plan but later found out one of my preferred universities/major was no longer on the new list. I had to take it out from my completed study plan and replace with a new one before submission.
- You may visit the annual Study in Korea Education Fair (https://www.facebook.com/korea.education.fair/), where you will be able to obtain information from participating universities. If you have any other confusions regarding this scholarship, you may also want to visit NIIED booth at the fair to clear your doubts. (or, call Korean Embassy directly)

On another note, I was lucky because back in March, Korean Language House (KLH) Puchong branch invited a KGSP scholar to share insights on his experience studying in Korea during their open day. He was also kind and helpful enough to allow for a Q&A segment at the end of his sharing session. (https://www.facebook.com/koreanlanguagehouse/photos/a.546078202147807/2185600984862179/?type=3&theater) You may want to follow closely updates from Malaysia-based Korean Language Centres to check out if there is any similar event.

4. Taking part in Korean related events / competitions
- Personally as a Korean language and culture enthusiast, I would still have taken part in these activities even if it wasn't for the application. :)
- If you genuinely love Korean culture (if not, open-minded enough to learn about it), it shall be an advantage for you.

(just trying to stay relevant..)

PART 3: (my personal experience for your reference)

Academic (& Relevant) Qualifications as of time of application:
As academic results were the main reason that I failed the application, I believe my education background do not play a significant role in this blog post and thus, decided not to disclose such information in details.

Preferred Universities & Majors:
1. Kyung Hee University: Korean Language and Literature
2. Pusan National University: Korean Language and Literature
3. Kookmin University: Korean as a Global Language

Awards / Relevant experience:-
[2019] Quiz On Korea : Top 25 (in Malaysia)
[2019] The 4th KBS WORLD Radio Korean Language Video Contest : Participated
[2018] Quiz On Korea : Top 20 (in Malaysia)
[2012] Chinese Culture Quiz Contest - Distinction (National level)
[2007] Chinese Written Test Competition - Consolation Prize / Top 30 (Selangor State level)

Language Proficiency:-
Korean: TOPIK Level 6
English: IELTS Academic Band 7.0

Recommendation Letters:
I requested recommendation letters from my employer and my college lecturer respectively.

Grade Transcripts:
As mentioned earlier, I only submitted SPM and Diploma certificates. You are, however, required to submit transcripts as listed below (whichever applicable):

☐ Form 3 Mid-Year Exam Results
☐ Form 3 Final Exam Results
☐ PMR Trial Exam Results
☐ PMR Results
☐ Form 4 Mid-Year Exam Results
☐ Form 4 Final Exam Results
☐ Form 5 Mid-Year Exam Results
☐ Form 5 Final Exam Results
☐ SPM Trial Exam Results
☐ SPM Results

* Please fill in Form 3 to Form 5 results as your High School Grades.
* If you have diploma, Form 6 or matriculation results, please enclose as supporting documents as well.
* From what I was told mid-year exam and year-end exam results are more significant, you may also attach your test results, OR call the Embassy directly for clarification


On another note, here is how you may get English version of your SPM certificate:-

(In case you lose your original SPM certificate, refer: http://lp.moe.gov.my/index.php/perkhidmatan/salinan-keputusan)

I submitted re-issuance request of my original SPM certificate and English version by post separately. From posting mails to receiving certificates, the whole process for each request could take up to two months. (It happened to me...)

According to the guidelines, it only takes 1 hour for them to reissue your certificate at the counter. If you have time, you may want to visit Lembaga Peperiksaan personally at Putrajaya.

If you live afar and can't do so, please mail your Borang Permohonan as early as you can.

PART 4: Translation & Notary Public Service

Speaking of English version, what documents do you need English translation?
- Basically anything in Bahasa Malaysia, including (but not limited to...) sijil berhenti sekolah, transcripts, any sijil penghargaan/pencapaian you think may play significant role in your application, proof of citizenship (sijil kelahiran* in particular).

*If you use a passport as proof of citizenship instead, you don't have to translate it.

I did a mistake here, because I only translated my Sijil Berhenti Sekolah. (>︿<) as I did not think my sijil-sijil penghargaan were very significant. I only translated them by myself and submitted as supporting documents. Apparently you will need to get them translated (& notarized) as well.

What documents do you need to notarize?
- All documents (original + translated copy)
- including language proficiency certificates, proof of citizenship, all sijil & transcripts.

*Side note: While at Study in Korea Education Fair, I did ask NIIED if I needed to submit proof if one of my parents (my father) is deceased, and they told me I only have to submit my mother's proof of citizenship. In spite of this, I submitted my both parents' passport photocopies along with my father's death certificate.

When they say you need to submit 1 original set + 3 photocopies, it means:
You notarize (certified true copy) 1 set and make 3 photocopies. (because you are not going to really submit your original certs...)

You don't have to notarize all 4 copies. *I was so dumb I did this ;; and it was so... expensive...*

Please, DO NOT translate and notarize your documents LAST-MINUTE.

I made another big mistake for putting translation and notarization at the last step. It was a week before application deadline that I finally started with documents translation and notarization. Fortunately, I managed to get them done on time (but at a higher cost...)

Personally, I sent my documents to Fahri & Co. (Mutiara Damansara) for notarization. (I was able to collect my documents within a day because notary public was in-office the day I called!)
- Translation service is also available here, but will take a minimum of 7 working days to process.

I could have translated the documents myself, but opted for certified translation service for safety. When I found Fahri & Co. I was already running out of time because application deadline was just around the corner.

I was so lucky to have found and ended up going for Wawasan Destiny Translation PLT, which was located very close to my workplace.

From the moment I approached Mr George through phone call, to collecting my translated and certified true copy documents, it took less than 24 hours. He was very kind and friendly and I was thankful as he would even update me with status of my request even at midnight. 🙏🏻🙏🏻

Service was a bit pricey, but I willingly accepted considering my request was urgent.

*Kindly call them directly to make inquiry on service rates and time required :)


The End...

Before I abruptly wrap up this blog post, here are some reminders for you:

1. Whenever you are confused, go over the application guidelines again.
2. There is this KGSP group on Facebook where applicants from all over the world ask something / share information, you may try to get some help there when needed: https://www.facebook.com/groups/218840618574476/
3. If you are still confused, try calling the Embassy for clarification.
4. Prepare translated and notarized documents as early as you can.
5. (a personal advice) Have a lot of back up plans for yourself so that you don't get as disappointed as I was ٩(•̤̀ᵕ•̤́๑)ᵒᵏᵎᵎᵎᵎ

To be very honest... as I am writing this it still hurts me to take out and look at the documents I diligently prepared for a whole year (if not, eight months). It was extremely upsetting... I mean, how could it not be when your hope vanished in the blink of an eye?

It seems like whenever I try hard to achieve something, I always end up failing...

Nonetheless! I am grateful, for this whole process provided emotional support to me over (almost) the whole year. Things happened, but the thought of 'I might get a chance to study abroad' gave me hope and strength to carry on! Also, the whole process of preparing for GKS application to me, was a journey of self-discovery. I get to know myself and my passion better now 💙 (Perhaps low-self-esteem me unconsciously gained new confidence as well heheh🙈)

I tried my best and I don't regret it.

As part of my self-healing process, I quit my already-distressing job and have been reflecting on life lately. I am also trying to make good plans and set new visions, looking forward to new beginning~! (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧

If you have any question, you may comment on this post and I shall try my best to answer 😉💛
Thank you for reading my long post and I wish you all the best in your endeavor! 🍀

[EDIT 2020.09.22]
If you just happened to land on my blog by accident, while searching for information on GKS Graduate, here are some blogs for you to explore:


  1. blogger_logo_round_35

    All is well. Thanks for the advice I really appreciate it.

    1. blogger_logo_round_35

      Sorry for the late reply! I'm glad it helps! :)

  2. blogger_logo_round_35

    Omg. Im not into any of the KGSP thingy, but somehow just end up here after trying to figure it out what is KGSP all about (heard my friend mentioned about it once).

    Just letting you know,
    Im so amazed & inspired by what u did. U really take out the best and turned life as beautiful as you (really) are.

    Somehow. i can feel some part of the "pain", but also feel so mesmerized by how great it turned u out to be.

    Thank you.
    More love & blessings to comeee!


    1. blogger_logo_round_35

      Thank you so much for the heartwarming comment! It's an honour to know this "pain" could bloom into a little inspiration 🌸

  3. blogger_logo_round_35

    Hello there! Thank you so much because you mind to share your experience with us, I'm truly got inspired by your story + boost up my passion to study hard for my SPM and pursue my dream to study in Korea! I will be sitting for SPM on early January 2021 ( '03 batch ) and I'm a pure science student, again I really appreciate and grateful , thank you so much sis! Wish me luck!❤️

    1. blogger_logo_round_35

      Hi there! Thanks for your kind comment ❤️ It is all worthwhile now, nowing that my experience could help a little. Work hard from now onwards 💪 and good luck to you in both SPM and GKS application!

  4. blogger_logo_round_35

    hii! i really want to apply for the kgsp but i dont have enough information about this scholar. i already call malaysian korean embassy but their answer is not enough for me as they just ask me to read the kgsp web :( i really hope that you can help me. please do email me at waneenawee@gmail.com.

    1. blogger_logo_round_35

      Hi, I think the application guidelines are pretty clear already, which was why I didn't call the embassy for further clarification and ended up with a lot of mistakes. ;; You may go over the guidelines again and sort out your doubts. I don't think I can help much but if you would still need any help, you may reach me via DM on Instagram / Twitter (@rojakhui95). I'm not checking emails very often, I hope you don't mind!

  5. blogger_logo_round_35

    Hai. Can I know how you manage to pass TOPIK until level 6? Did you learned by your own self or you taking korean language classes? If then, can I know where are you taking the korean language classes? Or any suggestion? Thanks in advance. Hope you are doing well right now ��

  6. blogger_logo_round_35

    Hi, i wanna ask about the certified true copy, who is more eligible to do so?

    1. blogger_logo_round_35

      Hi, I heard Commissioner of Oaths provide this service, but I looked for Notary Public instead because the documents are for overseas use. You may refer this link here for their differences: http://en.tannet.com.my/vip/402/5900/20190516045532.html

  7. blogger_logo_round_35

    hello I want to ask regarding the High School Grades table.. I ask the embassy and they want me to prepare 5 exam slip,TRIAL PT3, PT3, FINAL F4, TRIAL SPM, SPM but in the table, they kind blur me on how to fill it.. can you help me up.. the due is tomorrow 😭😭

  8. blogger_logo_round_35

    How to register topik test and does the grades from form 3 to 5 need change to gpa like 85 percent to gpa grades?

    1. blogger_logo_round_35

      Hi, TOPIK test is held twice annually in Malaysia. The next TOPIK test will be on 11th April 2021. You may check out this blog (https://m.blog.naver.com/PostView.nhn?blogId=koreaukm&logNo=222165837387&navType=tl) for more information. :)

  9. IMG_20200410_145051_569

    Thank you very much for sharing your experience and I hope you're doing well now.
    May I ask how long did you take to study for TOPIK?
    Im currently doing my diploma in accountancy and planning to apply for 2022 Undergraduate program.

    1. blogger_logo_round_35

      Thank you!

      I have been studying Korean language casually for a few years prior to my first TOPIK test. :) The time required to study for the test depends on your purpose of studying, your current level and which test you're planning to take (TOPIK 1 or 2) as well as which level you wish to achieve. :)

      During my time of application diploma results are only accepted as supporting document, I am not sure if they have updated the applicant's criteria (most likely not). Please make sure to check the application guidelines and prepare as early as you can. :)

      All the best!

  10. blogger_logo_round_35


    I often get asked how to fill in high school grades table but since I also screwed up that part, I am sorry I don't have the right answer to help ㅠㅠ

    If anyone knows or has found any guidance post willing to help other future applicants that might drop by this post, you may leave a comment down here.

    Meanwhile, you may also want to follow @learn.my * on Instagram for more tips on GKS application.
    (*admin of the page is a former GKS-U scholar)

  11. blogger_logo_round_35

    Hi! I want to ask if I failed this year, can I still apply for next year and so on?. Also I kinda confused .. what is "undergraduate" meaning is it student that fresh graduate from SPM or what??

    1. blogger_logo_round_35

      Hi, you are allowed to apply again unless you exceeded their age limit. You may download past's year application form and read the requirements in advance to obtain an insight :) KGSP Undergraduate is for students who have finished high school and are going to continue Degree studies, whereas KGSP Graduate are for those who wish to pursue Master's Degree or higher. Hope this clarifies :)

  12. blogger_logo_round_35

    Hi,i just wanna ask if volunteer work is needed for this scholarship as i live in a small town so i dont really know too much about volunteer work but if it can help me to get it i will of course do it.

    1. blogger_logo_round_35

      Hi, I am not sure about what kind of "volunteer work" you mentioned here. Could you explain further?

  13. blogger_logo_round_35

    Do we really need to submit form 3 and form 4 result ? Or we can submit trial SPM and SPM only ? . And high sch graduate can apply for this right ? I mean the right after we got our SPM result wait for the application and we apply or we need to have diploma etc .

    1. blogger_logo_round_35

      Yes, to apply GKS-U you must submit results from Form 3 to Form 5. :) If you only submit Form 5 results your documents are deemed incomplete and your application can be rejected. You may apply as long as you fulfilled all criterias as stated, one of them being 'having not completed undergraduate degree'.

      As mentioned, diploma results are not highly regarded thus not compulsory, but if you already have you may attach as supporting documents.

      (Kindly refer to past years' application forms for complete requirements and instructions, which can be downloaded from studyinkorea.go.kr )

  14. blogger_logo_round_35

    Hello hi , can i know how you convert grade spm to percentage?

    1. blogger_logo_round_35

      in GKS-U guideline file on the appendix A, they have put the GPA Conversion Table

    2. blogger_logo_round_35

      hi , i have trouble to convert grade spm to cgpa , how do you do that ? really hope you can help

  15. blogger_logo_round_35

    Hi, i am just curious, so if on any of the form 3/4/5 result there is any subject that you failed or get below than 80% then the will not consider your application is it? although your diploma cgpa is 3.50 above for every semester?

    1. blogger_logo_round_35

      Hi, I am not sure if they evaluate the percentage subject by subject. If the total average of your results is above 80%, perhaps you can still give it a try. As mentioned, diploma results only serve as supporting documents. The embassy should evaluate your qualification mainly based on your form3/4/5 results.

  16. blogger_logo_round_35

    Hai I want to ask about spm result also need to submit right?but this year the result came out late than other years and the due date for submit application is 19 march

    1. blogger_logo_round_35

      Hi, you may need to call the embassy regarding this matter. :)

  17. blogger_logo_round_35

    hello. may i know how to get high school transcript?? bcs i ask some people and they said high school don't have transcript. do i have to give them 10 pages of my result from form 3 to 5. i'm a bit confuse on that part.

    1. blogger_logo_round_35

      Hi, I believe your Form 3 to Form 5 results, which supposedly will include details like subjects, score, grading, average, etc, is the transcripts they need. Don't forget to get them notarized before submission. Good luck! :)

  18. blogger_logo_round_35


    May i know if i would like to have a 1-1 conversation regarding your experience?? I do have some difficulties doing my portfolio. Hope my message can reach you :)

    Thank you.

    1. blogger_logo_round_35

      Hi, sorry for responding late. Please feel free to drop a message through Instagram (@rojakhui95)

  19. blogger_logo_round_35

    Can Malaysian Matriculation students can apply for GKS Scholarship? Thanks in advance.��

  20. blogger_logo_round_35

    Hye sis, does SPM AND PMR really needed or up to the applicants'? Please, i need to know ASAP

  21. blogger_logo_round_35

    hi if u don't mind can u share yur SPM result?

  22. blogger_logo_round_35

    hi. You mentioned that we needed to attach high school exam transcripts. My question is, if I already have a diploma, do I need to fill in the application form using diploma results or the high school results? and ihow do you convert high school results to percentages/grades/cgpa?


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